Saturday 30 April 2011

Shut up and squat. The most feared exercise!

Back squat

Wall squat using stability ball

Wall squat for people with Knee injuries

Back squat

Back squat

Back squat

Back squat

Back squat

Natchana training for competition

Back squats using knee and back support, great way to help prevent injuries when doing heavy squatting!

Back squat

Squats are the most feared exercise. Many people don't like to squat, they fear injury but when done correctly squatting is one of the most rewarding exercise as is with most complex exercises. Most of our strength comes from our legs and I have seen many instances where people, mostly men don't do leg work and they create an imbalance in their physique(upper body becomes too large in proportion to lower body)
  Leg work releases the hormone that makes us stronger overall. Our legs are our foundation and if the foundation is weak then obviously we are going to have problems. Squatting is a very complex exercise and must be done to strict form.
  In conclusion remember never shy away from leg work, if you can't do the squats then use a leg machine, there are many types(leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, abductor, adductor, hack squat)find the one that works for you. Dig deep and 'Make Fitness Fun'

Thursday 21 April 2011

Fitsyque Homestyle workout

Stephen and Tamika, working the Fitsyque Homestyle Workout Program, they looking good too!
Home workouts are the best way to go, its cheap convenient, and effective. There is so much you can gain from working out at home and if you don't know how to get started just give me a call I'll get you started, using little to no equipment and still getting the desired results, just takes a little know how so call me 353 4399 or visit my page on Facebook for my info. Peace!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Hike to Hollywell and beyond

on the move....

waterfall disappearing under road

the group on the move

Dragon Lee by the fall....

New Castle Training Depot, this is where Jamaican soldiers are born..

emblems from the old West Indian Regiment days

leaving New Castle

Training Depot in the distance

21 miles in the mountains..

Jamaican improvisation, we are a caring people....

natural garden along the road side, beautiful

natural garden along the road side, our country is beautiful we need to care it

beautiful original Jamaican house

Jamaica is a beautiful country take the time to  know your country, bring back some of the original Jamaican love and togatherness. While hiking and seeing how beautiful your country is you are getting fit at the same time, spending quality time with your love ones, just relaxing and unwinding.

Dig Deep!

Dig deep! push for the body you want. Praise God and ask him to give you health and strength and then do your best and forget about the rest. Dig deep!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

The benefits of couples exercising together

The couple that exercise together, stays together. Exercise is a great way for couples to spend quality time together and bond. During exercise couples will get to know their partners strengths and weakness, allowing them to become even closer. When you are aware of your partners strengths and weakness you will know their capabilities. People tend to talk about the parts of their body that they don't like and work harder to correct whatever they deem as the problem, again partners will learn this from exercising with their partner and so they can help to boost their partners self confident about this particular problem area. The fitter, stronger and flexible you become the better your sex life, again couples will benefit from exercising together, boosting each other with this thought in mind. These are just a few of the benefits of couples exercising together, I'm sure you can think of lots more. 'Peace'

Monday 18 April 2011


If you have never been on a hike I highly recommend that you try it, very relaxing, allowing you to get away from the grind and just to get back to nature ane enjoy natural beauty. Fitness comes in many ways and I can help you to design a program that's fun and effective.
On our way to Hollywell in the Blue Mountains, hiking is a beautiful way to exercise and bond with your love ones. The beautiful scenery helps you to relax and unwind, My aim is to educate people to the fact that you don't have to spend all your time in the gym doing the same routines over and over again. Maybe its time to start knowing your country a little bit better, see how beautiful our country is and then maybe we will take care of it better and have less war strife in our beautiful little country.