Sunday 31 July 2011

Muscle Loading

Muscles are loaded by performing movements against a resistance to maximal muscular contraction. This greatly improves strength and is referred to as working to repetition maximum (RM) against a selected resistance.

Maintaining strict exercise technique and working to failure, the following effects may be expected.

. repetitions from 1-6 RM produce strength
. repetitions from 1-6 RM with speed produce power
. repetitions from 7-14 RM produce muscular endurance
. repetitions greater than 15 produce stamina.

Working to repetition maximum in this way is known as overloading the muscles.

Have fun with your workouts, challenge yourself, make your own routines. Make fitness fun!

1 comment:

  1. kool, I never knew you could reach any result if you did that few reps... And I never knew you could get better stamina from working many reps :P. But I guess I kinda knew, because I didn't do many reps, I did 12, because I didn't want to loose weight. and when you workout your stamina yu loose weight :P...
